Английский 5 класс. Домашнее чтение. Урок 6. Well Done,Pinky

Школьная программа 5 класс Английский язык (5 класс)

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Возможности режима обучения:

  • просмотр истории в виде слайдов
  • возможность прослушивания озвучки по каждому слайду
  • возможность добавить свою, детскую озвучку
  • тесты для детей, чтобы закрепить материал
  • специально подобранные коллекции картинок и видео для улучшения восприятия
  • ссылки на дополнительные обучающие курсы

Начнем с изучения новых слов, чтобы потом прочитать историю. 

Well done, Pinky - Перевод с английского на русский

Well done, Pinky

Well done, Pinky - Перевод с русского на английский

Well done, Pinky

Well done, Pinky - Перевод с английского (произносим, вопрос не показываем)

Well done, Pinky

Well done, Pinky - Перевод с английского (произносим, вопрос не показываем)

Well done, Pinky

Давайте прочтем историю о наших друзьях-котятах. VI. WELL DONE, PINKY! It is Sunday today. It is our clean day. We tidy up our house on Sunday and we have a bath on Sunday. Now Pinky is cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom.I am cleaning the dining room. Blackie is cleaning the bedroom. It is funny. We like it.When the house is clean, Pinky says: "Now let's work in the garden. Let's water the flowers and the trees in the garden.""Oh no!" we cry together with Blackie. "We can't work in the garden. We are tired.""But think about the trees and the flowers!" says Pinky. "You drink milk and water every day, but they can't do it. They haven't got milk or water in the fridge. They are thirsty.""How do you know?" we ask. "Do you talk to trees?""No, I don't," says Pinky, and she is very angry. "But I know! Look!" Pinky takes a glass of water and waters the floor."Can you see the water?" she asks."Yes, we can," we answer. 

"The floor is not thirsty. It is not drinking the water," says Pinky. "Now let's go to the garden."Pinky takes another glass with water and we go to the garden. We come up to a tree.Pinky waters the tree. "Look!" says Pinky. "The tree is drinking! There is no water on the ground now."We look at the ground. It is wet, but there is no water on the ground."The trees are thirsty!" says Pinky. "Now help me to water them.""Pinky, you are very clever!" I say. "You can understand trees."And we water all the trees and the flowers in the garden.Mrs Paw always visits us on Sundays. She looks at the clean rooms and at the trees and flowers in the garden.She says: "Good kittens!"

Теперь приступим к упражнениям!

Well done, Pinky. Тест 1

Well done, Pinky. Тест 2

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